Group Theory Webbook - editing
Of interest only for typesetting the webbook:
Y&Y fonts
PU Press font options
using flbook12.cls from
PUP LaTeX macros
flbookGT.cls for GroupTheory.tex
[Apr 7, 2008]
The complete webbook source files: ask about the subversion repository
PUP installation instructions
[Jul 26, 2007]
preparation of PDF version
[Jul 7, 2003]
source for all birdtracks - the
birdtrack dictionary
[Feb 20, 2000]
Predrag's suggestions to Anders' birdtracking
[May 22, 2002]
The Anders' temporary
[Apr 3, 2000]
The webbook
LaTeX tutorial
[Sep 28, 1999]
svn: $Author: predrag $ --- $Date: 2008-04-07 01:08:35 -0400 (Mon, 07 Apr 2008) $