PHYS-7143 | Fall semester 2017 |
P. Cvitanović, Group Theory -
All chapter and section
numbers refer to the version 9.0 of this book, unless stated otherwise.
B. Gutkin, Lecture notes: Group theory and its applications in physics
M. Tinkham, Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (McGraw-Hill, NY 1964) - nice book, worth owning.
M. Golubitsky and I. Stewart, The Symmetry Perspective: From Equilibrium to Chaos (Springer, NY 2003)
R. Gilmore and C. Letellier, The Symmetry of Chaos (Oxford 2007)
J.-Q. Chen, J. Ping and F. Wang, Group Representation Theory for Physicists (World Scientific, Singapore 2002)
W.G. Harter, Principles of Symmetry, Dynamics, and Spectroscopy (Wiley, NY 1974)
Frank Porter, Physics 129b "Group Theory" (Caltech, Spring 2008)
START: Tuesday Aug 22 2017, 12:00 in Howey S106
PLACE AND TIMES: Howey S106, Tu,Th 12:00-1:15
PREREQUISITES: A basic background in linear algebra and quantum mechanics.
TEACHING METHOD: Two lectures and a homework problem set per week.
EVALUATION METHOD: Weekly homework assignments. Grades will be determined from the homework (70%) and the final exam (30%).
PROBLEM SETS: Please deliver solutions to problem sets by Tuesday, at the lecture, or place them in Predrag's mailbox.
$Author: predrag $ - $Date: 2017-08-26 10:53:17 -0400 (Sat, 26 Aug 2017) $