Group Theory links - people

Marcos Alvarez
José Adolfo de Azcárraga Feliu
A. Elduque - Octonian/exceptional
John Baez
Dror Bar-Natan
Finite Type Invariants by the Species
James Conant
Arjeh M Cohen
Luc Frappat (superalgebras)
Darrin Freya
Thesis: "Conjugacy of alternating groups of of degree 5 and SL(2, 5) subgroups of the complex Lie group of type E8
Jürgen Fuchs
Rainer Häußling
Nathan Habegger
Louis H. Kauffman
Greg Kuperberg
Riccardo Longoni
Joseph M. Landsberg
Dr Alan J Macfarlane
Kay Magaard
Monodromy and Sporadic groups. Monodromy Composition Factors among Exceptional Groups of Lie Type (with Dan Frohardt) Character (finite dim subroups of exceptional groups, it seems?)
Laurent Manivel
Alex Molev
Jiri Patera
Hendryk Pfeiffer
Robert A. Proctor
Christoph Schweigert
Tony Smith lawyer/physicist
Octonian and excep Lie group musings
Dylan Thurston
Pierre Vogel
Alexander A. Voronov
Bruce Wallace Westbury
Simon Willerton
People in Geometric Group Theory

Predrag Cvitanović, dasgroup [snail]
svn: $Author: dasgroup $ --- $Date: 2011-03-23 11:56:17 -0400 (Wed, 23 Mar 2011) $