so many group-theoretic questions,
so little time.

This homepage contains some of the questions by the readers, as well as comments by other colleagues and friends, and citations querries.

Please use the stable version of the manuscript whenever you want to refer to a particular part of the text, and send comments, corrections, etc., to dasgroup [snail], note the number of the version that you are reading.

Open questions

  1. The short argument in Appendix B is too good to be true
    1. Mike Stone: Tableau symmetrizers are only "half orthogonal" (17 Mar 2012)
    2. Henriette Elvang: Error in Appendix B (31 Aug 2012)
  2. Ruben L Mkrtchyan: N -> -N duality and universality? (8 Oct 2012, 17 Feb 2013)
  3. Dan Christensen: Question about evaluating U(N) 3n-j symbols? (24 Apr 2009)
  4. Bojan Tunguz: Can a rank-four tensor can be brought to a bi-diagonal form? (22 Nov 2008)
  5. Jutho Haegman:
    A good reference book for 6j calculations? - A sample 6j confusion (29 Feb 2008)
    6j and 3j symbols for the tensorial irreps of O(2N)? (29 Feb 2008) [#140]
    AD Kennedy (1 Mar 2008)
    Jutho Haegman (3 Mar 2008)
  6. Georges Bergdolt: An exercise for specialists in graphical methods (16 Feb 2008)
  7. Georges Bergdolt: Trouble with [3,2] Young tableaux (21 Jan 2008)
    AD Kennedy response (30 Jan 2008)
  8. Kasper Peeters: Decomposition of non-standard tableaux? (9 Sep 2003)
  9. Mehmet Citil (12 Mar 2003)
  10. Hans Wenzl (16 Oct 2003)
  11. Joseph Kornblum : Execptional Lie Groups and Octonians? (10 Oct 2003)
  12. Terry Goldman: Still looking for a book I can use? (20 Dec 2002)